jens hofmann

I'm fundraising for a world without MS


It is that time of the year again where Team Orchard Global is in the final stages of training for Cykelnerven 2024 – raising money for the fight against MS (Multiple Sclerosis). PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY!

Like in 2022 and 2023, Cykelnerven 2024 will have us travel >400km climbing well >10,000 Meters while trekking this year’s Tour de France alpine stages. For non-professional riders like myself, this is not a matter of glory or TV appearances, but to commit to the pain and labor to DESERVE YOUR DONATION.

We are raising money to fight MS, but for each of us the hard hours in the saddle mean something personal; 

In my case I am thinking about close friends of mine living with MS. One of them was diagnosed in her early 20’s, and she is living >30 years with MS - mostly while research and treatments were far from where they are today. Within a short timeframe her (quality of) life changed dramatically – with no way to turn-back the clock, no matter how much research into MS advanced. 

Another friend was diagnosed shortly after I completed Cykelnerven 2022, and she has been in treatment for the past two years with a much different experience as far as the impact of her day-to-day life is concerned. Seeing the difference between their separate paths is a powerful visual. The difference lies in 30 years of time and funding for dedicated research. That’s what motivates me – every turn of the crank, no matter how steep the mountains ahead.

As I wrote during the past donation requests, MS can affect anyone, directly or indirectly, appearing out of the blue, without warning. When that happens, everyone deserves the best possible individual treatment and support available.

I left my donation request rather late this year, so please DONATE NOW.

Thank you for your kind & generous support,


My Achievements

Self Donated

Shared page

Raised 500

Raised 1000

Raised 5000

Smashed Target

Thank you to my Sponsors


Peter Clarke

Well done! Looks like fun (which is why I don't usually give yiou money :) ) Charis showed me one of the videos in Barcelona.


Jens Hofmann




Ian Temple

Enjoy the climbing Jens. Great cause.


Marcello Macaione


Pascal Villiger


James Davidson


Sean Bill

Smash it Jens!


Ranjit Sikka


Charis Edwards

Viel Glück! Just think of the beer and fromage at the finish line...


Sandro Anchisi



Philip Wooldridge

Hopp hopp Jens!


Robert And Natasha Schooling


Orsolya Farkas

Gut gemacht! #OrchardArmy


David W

Go Jensy


Michael Mueller

Good luck!


Chelsea Cesario

Good luck Jens!


Shawn Cooper

Good Luck!!!


Sean Roberts

Good luck, Jens!



well done!


Andrew Martin



Good luck Jens!


David Haynal

Wonderful initiative Jens, all the best



Good luck Jens! Beat your PB!


William Shaheen

Very proud of you!!


Ian Holt


John Paul Coffey


Malte Nowack

Kette rechts!


Connor Mchugh


Desiree Beutelspacher


Noel Singh

What better way to raise money than challenging yourself through the alpine roads?


Olivier David

Best of luck!


Yusuf Ozdalga

Great cause, and well done!


Hing Wong

Well done, Jens!


Tom Allen

Brilliant work, Jens!


Christopher Cereghino

Good luck!


Michael Segalini

Good luck Jens!


Johannes Haas


Joe Rumph